What functionalities are available on Author Hub?
The following is a summary of currently available functionality:
Page structure
- Unique, descriptive page titles are present on every page
- Logical heading structure is used – all pages have unique heading 1 followed by descriptive heading 2 and so on
- Lists are used where possible (e.g. navigation)
- Tables are used for tabular data only, tags used for header rows and header columns
- The reading and navigation order is logical and intuitive
- Instructions do not rely on shape, size, colour, sound, etc.
- Skip to content link(s) are present
- Text is re-sizable without loss of content (text reflows)
Colour contrast
- Colour alone is not used to convey content (e.g. colour coding)
- Colour contrast ratio (foreground vs. background) is at least 4.5:1
- All images have a valid alt attribute (decorative images have alt value of null)
- Linked images have an alt attribute that describes the destination page
- Button images have an alt attribute that describes the function of the button
Audio and video
- Subtitles and transcript/descriptive text is provided for audio/video *
- Audio description is provided for video *
- Audio can be stopped, paused and muted
- All controls are accessible via keyboard
Moving Content
- The user can switch off any time-limits
- Automatically moving, scrolling or updating content can be paused, stopped or hidden by the user
- No content flashes more than 3 times per second
- Buttons have descriptive values
- All form fields have associated text labels
- Related form elements are grouped with field set/legend
- All form labels are unique and informative
- The form label provides instructions e.g. if required, minimum length, etc.
- Form error/validation messages are clear and intuitive, providing instructions and suggestions
- Link text is unique and makes sense out of context
- Multiple ways to navigate through the site - navigation, sitemap, crumb trail, search, etc.
- Links are distinguished from surrounding text - e.g. underlined, bold, etc.
- Highlighted state of links - active, hover, focus
Keyboard access
- All functionality is available via keyboard - e.g. forms, tabbing through the links, etc.
- Access keys / keyboard shortcuts are better avoided (due to compatibility issues)
- Keyboard focus is never locked or trapped
- It is visually apparent which element has the current keyboard focus
- No unexpected changes to the page, e.g. on focus or interactions or auto-updates
- Consistent elements throughout sites, e.g. navigation, search boxes, general layout etc.
- Lang attribute is set
- Page content in a different language is identified
- Significant HTML validation/parsing errors are avoided
- Mark-up facilitates accessibility including HTML specifications and using forms, form labels, frame titles, etc. appropriately. Use of WAI-ARIA for dynamic content changes, roles and keyboard access